"The next generation of new Pepsi beverage, both better drink and health!
Time : 2022-12-17Hits : 493

 Recently, Pepsi Cola announced the launch of two new drinks in the U.S. market -- "IZZE Fusions" and "Lemon Lemon"". The two products, which Pepsi calls "the next generation of drinks", have fewer calories than traditional colas by improving formula. This is part of PepsiCo's recent two years of health initiatives, and the decline in the carbonated beverage market is prompting the "Coca Cola king" to sell more low calorie drinks and food.

"Consumers are becoming more and more difficult to please," says Gary So, vice president of product transformation at PepsiCo North America. "They want healthier choices, but they don't want to sacrifice their tastes."."

Health conscious consumers have begun to pay attention to reducing sugar in their diets, and carbonated drinks have been shrinking for 11 years in the United states. In addition, the controversy surrounding the safety of the artificial sweetener aspartame also caused the consumer alert. In response to these fears, IZZE Fusions and Lemon Lemon both reduce sugar and avoid artificial sweeteners, PepsiCo said.

IZZE Fusions is a mixture of soda, fruit juice and bubble water, while Lemon Lemon is a bubble lemonade. The two products are 60 calories and 70 calories per ear, respectively. The two product adds a more healthy sweetener, stevioside, which is extracted from plants, to reduce the sugar content of the product.

The sugar content of the new product meets the ambitious goal of reducing sugar under Pepsi clonidine. Last October, PepsiCo announced that it would carry out the most stringent sugar control program in history, and by 2025, Pepsi's 2/3 ounce (354 ml) of 12 calories will be controlled within 100 calories.

In order to achieve this goal, PepsiCo is stepping up research and development, its investment in R & D sector has risen by 45% since 2011. In January of this year, Pepsi just launched the high-end water brand LIFEWTR. In addition, PepsiCo's current health product family also includes handmade soda water Stubborn series, juice brand Tropicana, and the probiotic bubble beverage brand KeVita, which was purchased last year for $200 million.

The latest results show that, with the best-selling health products, PepsiCo Inc fourth quarter performance is good, to promote the annual revenue of 2016 companies organic growth of 3.7% to 62 billion 800 million U.S. dollars. In addition to Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Nestle, billion, and other food companies are also declaring war on sugar.

Content source: interface, Wen Qianyu

Reprinted: Foodaily daily food web

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